Learn .NET Development
If you want to learn .NET development as fast as possible, check out my .NET course on Zerotomastery. Use the code FRIENDS10 to get 10% off.
The FREE .NET Developer Roadmap contains everything you need to know to start your journey as a .NET developer.
You will get a high-resolution PDF document with the whole .NET Developer Roadmap, including the following modules:
- The .NET Platform
- Development Environment
- Basic C#
- Object-Oriented Programming in C#
- Intermediate C#
- Arrays & Collections in C#
- Advanced C#
- Introduction to LINQ
- Basic Testing in C#
You got this. I will help you on your journey.
If you want to learn .NET development as fast as possible, check out my .NET course on Zerotomastery. Use the code FRIENDS10 to get 10% off.